A number of defences can be raised depending on the circumstances of each case, the can include: Automatism; Duress; Diefic
Decree; Dimensia; Diminished Capacity; Drunkeness; Due Diligence; Self-Defence; Defence of Others; Defence of Property; Entrapment;
Abuse of Process; Intoxication; Mistake of Fact; Necessity; Res Judicata; Collateral
Estoppel; Reasonable Doubt; Insanity; Mental Disorder.
Property Offences: Criminal Trespass; Theft; Larceny; Nuisances;
Trespass at Night; Malicious mischief; Reckless Burning; Arson; Criminal Conversion; fraud; embezzlement; and B&E.
Offences Against People: Assault: 1st – 4th
degree; Battery; Domestic Violence; Aggravated Assault; Assault Causing Bodily Harm; Procuring; Sexual Assault; Sexual Exploitation;
Indecent Acts; Reckless Endangerment; Harassment; Stalking; Uttering Threats;
Robbery; Kidnapping; Rape; Statutory Rape; Hostage Taking; Imprisonment; Abduction; Weapons; Criminal Libel Criminal Defamation;
Solicitation; Peace Bond; Obstructing; Resisting Arrest; Invasion of Privacy;
and Wiretap.
Drug & Alcohol: Evaluations –drug or chemical dependency;
Minor in Possession (MIP); Marijuana Possession; PPT; Sale or Promotion of Drug Paraphernalia; and Trafficking; Seized Monies;
Proceeds of Crimes.
Homicide: Manslaughter, Murder 1-2; Infantcide and Felony Murder.